Nicole Smith-Holt’s son Alec died in Minnesota last June--after being forced to ration Eli Lilly’s Humalog insulin when Alec, a person with type 1 diabetes, could not afford the radically-increased price of the medicine. Ms. Smith-Holt wrote about Alec’s experiences in this February article. PFAM supported Ms. Smith-Holt as she attended the Eli Lilly shareholder meeting on May 7th...
Just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that the Indianapolis Business Journal article covering skyrocketing Eli Lilly & Company insulin prices and the #insulin4all demonstration made the front page of the Indianapolis Business Journal! We are so excited.
Save the date! PFAM is partnering with T1International and Public Citizen, to put on a demonstration prompting Eli Lilly, producer of Humalog insulin to answer the following asks...